Frequently asked questions

We have 3-4 cold plunge tanks depending on the location and we keep these at different temperatures. We consider one the beginner tank, a medium challenge and typically one or two the advanced. At this time we keep the beginner tank(s) between 55-58 ℉, our middle tank(s) between 45-48 ℉ and the advanced tank (s) 37-39 ℉.
The maximum we recommend is 5 minutes. You will see a sign that says “No Heroes” above the plunges. This means it’s not about who can stay in longer, but about safely pushing ourselves to overcome a challenge. It’s about building resilience, not showing off. Science has shown that 2 minutes is a good goal. At two minutes systems in our body are affected, and after 5 minutes the benefits decrease.
How do you clean the water? The water in our cold plunges is constantly filtering to create a completely sanitary pool of water. The filtration includes UV light that can kill bacteria and viruses.
Much like working out our muscles, other systems in the body are strengthened when they are stressed in a controlled environment. Heat and Cold are safe ways to stress our cardiovascular system, respiratory, immune system, and energy production systems. Cold plunges have been shown to lower inflammation, boost metabolism, accelerate recovery from workouts, improve sleep, boost your mood, increase energy, and support the immune system. It’s hard getting in, but you will feel amazing after.
We believe that cold plunges are a safer, less expensive, and more effective way to cool the body. The thermal conductivity of water is 25 times greater than air, so humans lose body heat up to five times more quickly in water compared to the same temperature in air. So while Cryo therapy can show temperatures under 250 ℉, it’s not as impactful on our physiology as water under 60 ℉
Cold plunging is safe for individuals in good health. If you have any health concerns relating to getting into cold water it is best to consult your doctor. Cold water immersion is not recommended if you have abnormal/altered skin sensation, or impaired circulation: tissue damage may result from vasoconstriction, open wounds / broken skin, hypersensitivities to cold, such as Raynaud’s phenomenon, cold urticaria, cryoglobulinemia, and paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, angina pectoris or other severe cardiac diseases, peripheral vascular disease, under influence of drugs or alcohol, or epilepsy.
Ice Bath
Cold Water Immersion (CWI)
Cold Therapy
Cold Immersion

Norwegian/Dry Saunas
Also known as, a traditional sauna, it uses a heater (electric) to heat the air in a wood-paneled room. The air temperature in traditional Finnish saunas ranges from 160 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. We keep ours around 185. The superheated air is what heats your body through the process of conduction.
With the temperature that we keep our traditional saunas, we recommend 5-20 minutes, but it’s important to work up to longer temperatures. A healthy body has the ability to adapt, but it takes multiple sessions. It’s important if you feel light-headed, dizzy, or short of breath to exit the sauna immediately.
Saunas are safe for healthy and active individuals when used responsibly. If you have any hesitation about the safety of using a sauna due to health conditions you should consult your doctor first. Saunas are not recommended for Pregnant persons, children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult, and children under the age of 14 are not allowed in the traditional saunas. Elderly individuals taking prescription medication should consult a doctor or those with Cardiovascular disease, hypertension/ hypotension, with chronic diseases under the care of a physician should discuss this treatment prior to scheduling. Individuals with metal pins, rods, or artificial joints should check with their physician prior to scheduling. Use of alcohol is prohibited prior to using the infrared sauna. Acute joint injury, fever, or prone to bleeding should not use saunas.
The benefits of sauna use range from mental health to cardiovascular and even muscle mass retention. This scientific article from Dr. Rhonda Patrick and FoundMyFitness is the best summary of the benefits: click here ...
Traditional sauna
Dry Sauna
Finnish Sauna
Swedish Sauna

contrast therapy
Contrast Therapy is the process of exposing the body to rounds of hot and cold environments. This can be done using air or water. At Evolve we offer cold plunge tanks with water ranging from 44-58 degrees and traditional or infrared saunas.
Contrast Therapy can offer improved circulation, decreased swelling, reduced inflammation, improvement in muscle strains, increased range of motion, reduced muscle soreness, increased energy & alertness, elevated mood.
For healthy individuals contrast therapy is safe. It is recommended to read our FAQ’s for saunas and cold plunges before trying contrast therapy.
The debate continues on whether to start with hot or cold and how long to do each. A good place to start might be 2 minutes in the ice bath, 15 minutes in the Norwegian sauna then repeat two or three times.
Cold to hot therapy has also been found to increase muscle strength post-recovery as well. Athletes exposed to contrast therapy had a higher 1-rep max on the leg press, more muscle power (as measured by isometric force), and performed better on the jump squat compared to recreational athletes who were not receiving the therapy.
When you submerge part or all of your body in cold water, small blood vessels called capillaries respond to the cold by getting smaller. This is known as vasoconstriction, and when you warm the body, the opposite happens. Your blood vessels open up. This is known as vasodilation. So, how do these circulatory changes help you? When you rapidly alternate between hot and cold, your blood vessels open and close in a pulsing, pump-like motion. Some proponents think this pumping action can help relieve various injury symptoms and help with muscle recovery. Two studies conducted in 2007 showed that contrast bath therapy can also help decrease the lactic acid in your body, helping you recover from the soreness and fatigue of strenuous exercise.
Hot and cold therapy

The infrared sauna uses infrared light to heat the body directly rather than just heating the air that surrounds the body. Our Infrared saunas are kept at 135 degrees which makes them more tolerable for longer periods of time.
Saunas are popular because they cause reactions like those caused by moderate exercises, such as vigorous sweating and an increased heart rate. An infrared sauna gives these results at lower temperatures than a traditional sauna. This makes an infrared sauna a choice for people who can't stand the heat of a sauna or don’t like the “stuffiness” or humidity of a traditional sauna.
We recommend 30-60 minutes in the infrared sauna. 30 minutes as a courtesy when we’re busy so that other people have the opportunity to sweat. It’s important if you feel light-headed, dizzy, or short of breath to exit the sauna immediately.
Saunas are safe for healthy and active individuals when used responsibly. If you have any hesitation about the safety of using a sauna due to health conditions you should consult your doctor first. Saunas are not recommended for Pregnant persons, children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult, and children under the age of 14 are not allowed in the traditional saunas. Elderly individuals taking prescription medication should consult a doctor or those with Cardiovascular disease, hypertension/ hypotension, with chronic diseases under the care of a physician should discuss this treatment prior to scheduling. Individuals with metal pins, rods, or artificial joints should check with their physician prior to scheduling. Use of alcohol is prohibited prior to using the infrared sauna. Acute joint injury, fever, or prone to bleeding should not use saunas.
The benefits of sauna use range from mental health to cardiovascular and even muscle mass retention. This scientific article from Dr. Rhonda Patrick and FoundMyFitness is the best summary of the benefits: click here ...
Infrared light
Infrared emissions
Infrared therapy
Infrared radiation

Our red light therapy rooms house ultra-high power LED panels. Our LED therapy light technology is considered an FDA Class II Medical Device. By immersing the body the light travels deep into the tissue of the body as well as the bone marrow while gradually reducing inflammation and aiding in the restoration of health.
The red light therapy LED panels feature a R+ | NIR+ spectrum. The array of LEDs emits 630 & 660nm wavelengths, while the NIR+ array emits 810nm, 830nm, and 850nm, all in the same panel.
Red Light Therapy actually reverses age-related ocular disorders but it is still not recommended to stare directly into the lights. The light penetrates your eyelids so keeping the eyes closed is a good idea. We have eye goggles that you can wear if you prefer to protect your eyes part of the time or the entire time.
The red light therapy sessions are between 10 and 15 minutes.
As with all light the earlier in the day the better. Some have noted trouble falling asleep when using red light therapy too close to bedtime.
Photobiomodulation (PBM)
Low-level light therapy (LLLT)
Soft laser therapy
Cold laser therapy
Photonic stimulation
Low-power laser therapy (LPLT)
Some benefits are immediate like the euphoric feeling and glowing skin but It might require consistent use for one to three months or more to see notable results with bigger health goals.

Compression Sleeves
Whether you are injured or sore from a workout, a compression sleeve helps to exercise your blood and lymph with compressed air to strategically relieve tension and swelling. Compression sleeves encourage healthy detoxification of cells and a ton of relief from delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Our sleeves utilize pneumatic compression and pulse technology that encourages fluid in and out of the limbs to provide a notable recovered feeling after each treatment.
Our sleeves utilize three distinct techniques to massage the body to encourage rehabilitation. The compression sleeves were created by Dr. Laura Jacobs MD, PhD., a physician and bioengineer, who recognized the need in her oncology office. She was treating post-mastectomy patients who were experiencing lymphedema from cancer treatment. She recognized a pattern of compression massage that replicates natural muscle pumps in the body that are healing. The one-way valves of the venous system combined with peristalsis (cyclical waves of compression), efficiently mobilize fluid and speed recovery.
Each session is customizable. You will likely start seeing benefits from as little as 20 - 30 minutes within each session. Recommended sessions are between 30 - 40 minutes.
Pneumatic compression
Compression device
Intermittant pneumatic compression
Compression technology
Recovery boots
Increased range of motion
Enhanced parasympathetic balance
Increased oxygenation
Decreased muscular soreness
Reduced eccentric swelling
Decreased muscular proteolysis
Reduces patient opioid consumption and may allow for earlier discontinuation of opioid medications in certain patients.
Decreases pain and edema.
Increased post-operative range of motion in ACL patients.
May increase patient satisfaction with the recovery process.
May lead to early hospital discharge [shorter length of stay] in some patients.
May lower postoperative blood loss.

Really, anyone can benefit mentally and emotionally by maintaining a set of practices that clear the mind, reprogram positive thoughts, and refine motor skills. Whether we are young or old we have the opportunity to improve our quality of life. With the tools at Evolve Human Optimization Labs, anyone can refine powerful and important skills to keep their mind sharp. Competitive people, biohackers, busy professionals, and people with brain injuries or other health problems can benefit.
It is helpful to give yourself 5 minutes in a pure silent witnessing state twice a day. We often do this after three rounds of Wim Hof breathwork. In addition, we enjoy guided meditations daily that help to guide our minds into deep healing, relaxation, or manifestation but also playing with our neurocognitive device to keep our minds sharp. Daily is ideal. The more time you spend the more quickly you might reach your goals.
Awareness training
Expanding awareness
Deep thought
Quiet time
Integration time
Cognitive sports training
Enhances memory
Improves attention span
Supports psychological or mental disorders like ADHD and OCD
Supports people with Parkinson's disease and brain injuries
Supports pain management and healing
Helps to relieve anxiety and depression
Improves sleep and rest
Assists with learning disabilities and memory problems

interactive mirrors
There are a variety of different classes you can take from as short as 10 minutes all the way up to a 45-minute session. If the center is busy we ask that you only spend about 30 minutes at each station. Please be mindful of other members waiting to use the interactive mirror.
We have foam rollers, a stretching area where you will not need a yoga mat, and towels to sweat into. It is helpful to wear athletic clothing that is easy to move in. Bring your heart rate monitor to connect to the mirror via the Bluetooth connection.
Smart Mirror
Fitness Mirror
The classes are perfectly safe for healthy individuals. Whether you are a skilled athlete or just beginning a workout routine you have to be careful to not push yourself more than you can and to seek professional guidance if something feels off. Injuries are definitely possible so it is important to stay present.

Vibration THERAPY
Muscle atrophy prevention
Faster muscle injury recovery
Injury care
Muscular pain relief
Sports recovery
Calorie burning
Muscle toning
Emotional release
It is recommended to use the restroom beforehand. We might not be aware that we are holding anything until we feel the movement from vibration.
Depending upon your level of health and comfort on the vibration plate we suggest combining L-squats, calf raises, and tiptoe exercises on the vibration plate. Moving the joints on the vibration plate encourages circulation and healing.

Inversion therapy
Some studies have indicated a reduced need for surgery for patients with Pure Single Level Lumbar Discogenic Disease who used inversion therapy in a 2012 study. Another study suggested that zero-gravity by an inversion table can reduce compression. Their study suggests inversion therapy may prevent disability from back problems and could also reduce the need for surgery.
Other claims are that it might help with flexibility, chronic lower back pain, poor circulation, sciatica, and scoliosis.
Inversion therapy might help you pass painful kidney stones when combined with diuresis (excess water loss).
Inversion may also help to destress by positioning your head below your heart. These positions activate the parasympathetic nervous system(rest-and-digest mode).
Certain conditions create more risk with inversion.
Avoid utilizing the inversion table if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, osteoporosis, hernia, or an injury that interferes with inversion.
Certainly check with your doctor if you have any issues with bones or joints, cardiovascular conditions, or other infections. Other complications can arise utilizing the inversion table during pregnancy or with obesity, retinal detachment, and with the use of blood clotting medicines.
Inversion Therapy
Spinal Traction
It is best to ease your way into inversion therapy. Start off by declining 20-30 degrees for a short amount of time. Once you feel acclimated, increase the intensity by declining further and/or by staying longer.

Anyone who struggles to sit still or pay attention finds additional support from light, sound, and vibration therapy during meditation. In addition, the light helps balance brainwaves and, depending upon the session selected, it activates different areas of the brain. Someone who has trouble relaxing can benefit as well as someone who needs more energy.
It is not recommended during pregnancy, for young children, or for anyone with a history of seizures. It is safe but should be used carefully as it does bring on altered states of consciousness. Overloading the nervous system might also cause a headache or nausea.
You can customize how long you would like to stay based on the selected sessions between 20-30 minutes.
There are dozens of sessions to choose from on the Tri-Vibe. They range from calming meditation to upbeat stimulating sessions.
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