The Benefits of Meditation

Our ability to get the most out of life is challenged by our stubborn subconscious programming. The past is the past, but apparently, we shape the present reality by repeating past experiences until we figure out how to clear the cache and upload new programs. 

Meditation is just the hack we need to see and experience life in a new way, but it’s a practice that can take years to get good at it, even if we isolate ourselves. The use of binaural beats as sound wave therapy can speed up the results experienced in meditation, and now we can integrate and balance the left and right brain hemispheres in as little as ten minutes. Within this time, we can guide ourselves right into a theta brainwave state, where reprogramming is most efficient. 

Two types of meditation that are very important for the health of our mind are focused meditation and unfocused meditation. A focused meditation incorporates a mantra, the breath, and perhaps a guide to direct our concentration, whereas an unfocused meditation is more about accessing a pure witnessing state. 

Our favorite way to step into an unfocused, silent meditation is after three rounds of Wim Hof breathwork, as this practice cleans the mental slate enough to help us drop in. Dropping into a cold immersion tank also helps to clear our minds.

While others quit their New Year’s resolutions, you can tap into your resiliency and ability to shape your future by using this meditation hack to stay focused.

Desiree Lee Bybee

An intuitive and a carrier of ancient shamanic lineages who is passionate about mental, emotional, and physical sovereignty.,




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