What is Hormesis?

What is hormesis?

Often, in order to feel better, we must do something that is uncomfortable or challenging. This is, essentially, why longevity experts are homing in on the valuable effects of hormesis as a controlled type of stress that enhances our quality of life rather than deteriorates it.

Hormesis is stress that triggers improved health, slows the aging process, and optimizes resilience to future stress, both physically and mentally. Any stress that does not kill you prompts your body into a cascade of upgrades that help withstand more stress in the future. This is why exercise helps us to level up, and it’s why putting pressure on tight muscles helps them to release their grip, restore flow, and improve work capacity and shape.

One of the best ways to experience the process of hormesis is to step into the cold plunge. Sitting in a cold tank of water is anything but comfortable. The limbs tingle and feel electric. The body shivers uncontrollably. Over time, by focusing on your breath, you can calm down your breathing enough to calm your heart rate and mind, lowering inflammation. 

We recommend three rounds of Wim Hof breathing before jumping into the cold plunge, as well as deep breathing with deep exhalations inside the cold plunge to remind your body to calm down and that you are in control. Your nervous system will fight your willpower and encourage you to escape the freezing torture, but you have the opportunity to overcome the most uncomfortable of situations. It is very empowering to live mind over matter.

Becoming a master of your own physiology is no longer a secret solution as more people experience its power to manifest the life they want rather than shy away from the difficulties in their way. The human body is way more powerful than we have been led to believe. Our nervous system is the result of millions of years of evolution, and today, we can access the wisdom of indigenous cultures combined with powerful new scientific studies. 

Our physical health and our minds are in our power to control. To free ourselves from pain and reset our chaotic minds, we need discipline to move things around. Evolve Human Optimization Labs has the most advanced and innovative equipment to help you optimize and level up. Don’t waste another day with lackluster efficiency. Experience the power, health, and energy that are within you and waiting to be revealed. 

We were founded in San Antonio, Texas. We have begun franchising and opportunities are available. For more information on how the cold plunge can benefit you, click here.

Desiree Lee Bybee

An intuitive and a carrier of ancient shamanic lineages who is passionate about mental, emotional, and physical sovereignty.

FirstMemory.one, NoeticFront.com


Cold plunge vs. Cryotherapy
